Marketing Your Startup Page 19
Chapter 6
4. BtoB magazine, State of Event Marketing, 2011
Chapter 7
Chapter 10
A/B testing, 47, 75
AdAge, 132, 134
ad agencies, 234–35
criteria for, 236–37
internal, 239–40
meeting in person, 237–38
writing RFPs, 236
defining, 5–6
out-of-home advertising, 141–46
radio advertising, 137–41
traditional advertising, 113
TV advertising, 132–37
AdWeek, 113
Aer Lingus, 97
Albritton, Karen, 208, 209–10, 211–12, 213
Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, 176
Allen, Rita B., 15
“amazing shopability,” 84
Amazon, Prime Day promotions, 118–19
American Association of Advertising Agencies (4A), 233–34, 236
analytics, 243–44. See also Google Analytics
Apple, 179
audience pain points, 34
partners vs. customers, 73
researching, 33–34, 84–85
segmentation of, 34
Balkhi, Syed, 201
Barnes, Harrison, 110
BCG Attorney Search, 110, 111
Belosic, Jim, 178, 179
billboards, 142, 143, 144–45, 146
Birchbox, 13
Black, Gerry, 49, 21–22
Blue Apron, 106–7
BlueGrace Logistics, 189–90
Blumenthal, Neil, 5
Boston Beer Company, 164–65
BoxLunch, 176–77
brand ambassadors, 172–73
brand awareness, 35–36
brand of “you,” 14–18
bringing brands to life, 12–14
defining, 3–5
defining brands, 9–18
five places to incorporate brand identity, 16–18
Brandon, John, 155
Branson, Richard, 192, 247, 248
Breast Cancer Awareness, 175
Brennan, James, 128
BtoB magazine, 148
affordability, 217
being ruthless, 221
being specific, 220
cross-promoting, 222
early on, 217
guest blogs, 222
industry and, 217
limited, 32–33
low-cost marketers, 221–22
main budget made up of smaller budgets, 220
making it iron-clad, 219–20
partnering with other businesses, 222
shared webinars and events, 222
tracking spending, 220
value of current customers and, 221–22
Buffett, Warren, 5
business cards, brand identity and, 17
calls to action (CTAs), 48
Capitol Media Solutions, 133, 138
Capstrat, 208
Carlson, Jim, 129, 218
Casper, 13, 103
cause marketing, 174–78
cost of, 177
DIY, 178
making it last, 176–77
measurability of, 178
trying a one-time campaign, 174–75
CES, 155
channels, choosing, 36–37
Charity Water, 182
Cinquina, John, 13, 14
click through rate (CTR), 57
Cole, Nicolas, 15, 16
competitive analysis, 34
Constant Contact, 51
content distribution, 36
identifying format, 35
identifying messaging, 35
content marketing, 103–13
case study, 106–7
community and, 106–7
cost of, 109–12
hiring writers, 105, 111–12
how to execute, 104–5
managing the process, 108
measurability of, 109
subject matter, 104
video, 112–13
contests, 178–88
asking for personal information, 179–80
case studies, 182–85
cost of, 187
DIY, 187
emotional appeal of prizes, 179
executing, 180
law and, 186–87
vs. lotteries, 181, 186
making it social, 181
measurability of, 187–88
vs. sweepstakes, 181, 186
conversion goals, 44
Corcoran, Barbara, 196, 247–48
The Corcoran Report, 196
Cotopaxi, 182–83
CrazyEgg, 53
Creative Marketing Alliance, 53
Crescerance, 37
CRM (customer relationship management) software, 202–3, 243–44
analyzing buying patterns, 203
cost of, 204
maximizing per-customer profits, 203
seeing customers produce most profit, 203
customer acquisition, 36
customer acquisition cost (CAC), 31–32
customer marketing, 199–204
cost of, 202
CRM (customer relationship management) software, 202–3
customer surveys, 200–201
customers, 73
defining ideal customer profile, 33–34
hanging onto, 199
identifying what makes them tick, 34
value of current, 221–22
customer service, 17
customer surveys, 34, 200–201
survey deployment and management, 245
customized metrics, 43
Cutler, Elizabeth, 11
Daily Glitter cont
est, 184–85
Danny Wimmer Presents, 219
Dasheroo, 63
demos, 155–56
Digital Out of Home (DOOH), 142
Digital Press, 15
direct mail, 125–32
calls to action, 127
case study, 128
cost of, 129
creating mail that works, 130–31
DIY, 129–30
introducing yourself, 126
measurability of, 132
precise targeting and, 126–27
promoting holidays or events, 127
reaching high-level decisionmakers, 126
ROI, 131–32
Direct Marketing Association’s 2016 Response Rate Report, 125
Dollar Shave Club, 100–101, 239, 247, 248
DraftKings, 133
Dropbox, 170
Drummey, Corbett, 68, 84
Dubin, Michael, 100–101, 239, 248
Economy, Peter, 202
Edge, Charles, 112
editorial calendars, 78–79, 81
Edwards, Samuel, 60, 161
Elevate My Brand, 200
email marketing, 45
being real, 47–48
case study, 49
cost of, 51
DIY, 51
measurability of, 52
subject lines, 46–47, 49
testing, 48, 49, 50–51
emails, brand identity and, 17
event marketing, 147–53
cost of, 151
creating guest lists, 149–50
deciding your objective, 148
DIY, 152
Facebook and, 150
generating buzz, 150–51
making the most of invitees, 151
measurability of, 151–52
ROI and, 151–52
Experian, 132
Facebook, 54–59
boosting posts, 59
cost of, 57
DIY, 58–59
event marketing and, 150
measurability of, 58
paying for more, 55–57
promoting pages, 59
sending people to your website, 59
FanDuel, 133
Fathom, 148
Finneran, Tom, 233–34, 236
First Round Management, 190
flyers, 143
Followerwonk, 245
Food52, 4, 219
format, identifying, 35
forms, brand identity and, 17
Forrester, 229
Fox’s Pizza Den, 131
Gates, 17
Gatorade, 148
Gendusa, Joy, 120, 130
Get It Done House Buyers, 130
Gilvar, Malcolm, 154
giveaways, 178–88. See also contests post-giveaway action plans, 180
goals, determining primary, 35–36
Godin, Seth, 103
Goldman, Bryce, 128
Google, 95, 97, 108, 114
AdWords, 158
AdWords Performance Grader, 157
Analytics, 42, 43, 44, 45, 243–44
search results, 41, 42, 45, 59, 86–87, 97–98, 98, 108
“Got Milk?” campaign, 141–42
grassroots marketing, 161–68
case studies, 164–65, 166–67
cost of, 163
DIY, 163
finding customers, 162–63
Grotech Ventures, 160
Grubhub, 142
Gwozdz, Kate, 156, 157–58
Hale, Natalie, 140
Happy Family, 166–67
Harley-Davidson, 24
Harris, Bobby, 189–90
Hartley, Tara, 139
on Instagram, 75, 76–77, 82
Instagram and, 74, 76–77
on Twitter, 66
Haupricht, Adam, 131
Hayes, Danny, 219
Health Media Concepts, 131
Hein, Bettina, 218–19
Henry Grey PR, 148
Hesser, Amanda, 4, 219
Heyward, Emily, 13
Hitchner, Kenneth, 53
Hootsuite, 244
Hroncich, J. T., 133–34, 136–37, 138, 139
Hubspot, 51, 112, 243
Huckberry, 80–81
IBM, 97
Ice Bucket Challenge, 175
Ignite Visibility, 73
Inc., 105, 111, 155, 164–65, 166–67, 239, 117
influencer marketing, 113–21
case study, 118–19
cost of, 117, 120
fake followers and, 116
getting connected, 114
how it works, 114–15
links acquired and, 121
measurability of, 120–21
micro-influencers, 116–17, 118–19
promotion and, 115–16
qualified leads and, 121
referral traffic, 120
revenue/conversions from campaign, 121
ROI and, 114
screening influencers, 116
shares of campaign, 121
social media following and, 120
Infusionsoft, 48, 51
Inspira, 176
Instagram, 71–83
adding location, 77
avoid perfectionism, 75–76
being authentic, 75
case studies, 80–82
color, 80–81
composition, 80–81
cost of, 83
DIY, 72–74
editorial calendars, 78–79, 81
engaging users, 75
hashtags and, 74, 76–77
Instagram for Business, 72
knowing your goals, 75
measurability of, 83
promoting ads, 75
showing your personality, 75
starting a conversation, 74–75
Stories, 78–79
using hashtags, 75, 76–77, 82
Instant Pot, 118–19
International Women’s Age, 175
Isabel Harvey, 184–85
Jamf, 112
Jantsch, John, 16
Jobs, Steve, 16
Johnson, Brian, 130
Johnson, Emma, 114
Jones, Jon “Bones,” 189–90
Kawa, Malki, 190
Keating, Katie, 97
Kenney, Jim, 144
Kerpen, Dave, 43
key performance indicators (KPIs), 109, 228
KIND, 68
Kissam, Alexis, 184–85
Kissam, Kimberly, 184–85
Koch, Jim, 164–65
Kopari Beauty, 128
LaCroix, 82
lead generation, 36
LG, 148
Likeable Local, 43
Lincoln, John, 73
LinkedIn, 59–64
accurate contact info, 61
“Campaign Manager” tool, 64
compelling image, 61
compelling summary, 61
cost of, 64
custom URL, 61
descriptive headline, 60
DIY, 63
measurability of, 64
professional image, 60
profile, 60–61
relevant work history, 60–61
lotteries, 186
vs. contests, 181, 186
vs. sweepstakes, 181, 186
Lululemon, 162
Macy’s, 68
MailChimp, 51, 146
Mail Shark, 130
Maloney, Matt, 136–37, 142
marketing. See also advertising; specific kinds of marketing
budgets, 215–22
customer, 197–204
how much to spend on, 29–37
on a limit budget, 32–33
mixing it up, 223–30
offline, 123–96
online, 39–121
putting it all together, 6–7
what is marketing? 1–7
marketing agencies, 143
marketing plans
budgets, 208
tion dates, 208
conducting research, 209
developing, 213
implementing, 213–14
measuring tactics, 211–12
objectives, 208
outlining tactics, 211
responsible parties, 208
staying flexible, 213–14
sticking to it, 213
strategies vs. tactics, 212–13
SWOT analysis, 209, 213
writing, 205–14
marketing software, understanding, 241–46
Marketo, 146
McCullough, Tres, 148
Media Partners Worldwide, 140
messaging, identifying, 35
Millward Brown study, 84
Minkoff, Rebecca, 149
Minkoff, Uri, 146, 149
Mintz, Laurel, 200
mission statements, writing effective, 26–27
Mobley, Katharine, 37
Moffett, Nathanson, 92
“mommy bloggers,” 117
Moz, 245
MP Consulting, 218
Murdoch, Rupert, 14
Nascar, 189, 191
Nicolette bracelets, 184–85
Nielsen, 137, 138, 168
Nike, 4
nontraditional sponsorships, 189–91
North Face, 182
NPR, 119
offline marketing, 146–96
contests, 178–88
direct mail, 125–32
event marketing, 147–53
giveaways, 178–88
grassroots marketing, 161–68
out-of-home advertising, 141–46
public relations, 192–96
radio advertising, 137–41
referral marketing, 168–73
sponsorships, 188–91
sweepstakes, 178–88
trade shows, 153–61
TV advertising, 132–37
old-school marketing, 146–96
contests, 178–88
event marketing, 147–53
giveaways, 178–88
grassroots marketing, 161–68
public relations, 192–96
referral marketing, 168–73
sponsorships, 188–91
sweepstakes, 178–88
trade shows, 153–61
The Onion, 97
Optify, 244
OptinMonster, 201
out-of-home advertising, 141–46
case study, 143–44
cost of, 143
Digital Out of Home (DOOH), 142
DIY, 143
measurability of, 146
outside help, finding, 231–40
Pantaloukas, Alma, 82
Parnell, Michael, 218
partners, identifying, 73
Passport, 130
Patagonia, 182
Patel, Neil, 53–54
personal brand-building, 14–16
personas, 34, 104, 226–27
developing, 26–27